Trouble Sending Emails?

Trouble sending emails? Are your emails rejected? Are your messages sent to a recipient's spam folder? Verify your DMARC configuration to see if your DMARC records are set up and configured correctly.

What Is DMARC?

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance)  is a critical component of email security. It helps protect your domain from being exploited by attackers for phishing and email spoofing, which can lead to significant reputational damage and loss of trust. Here's why DMARC is important and how improper configuration can cause email delivery problems:

Why DMARC is Important

  1. Protection Against Email Spoofing: DMARC allows domain owners to specify how receiving mail servers should handle emails that fail authentication checks. This prevents cybercriminals from sending emails that appear to come from your domain, which is a common tactic in phishing attacks.
  2. Enhancing Brand Trust: When your domain is protected by DMARC, your customers and partners are more likely to trust the emails they receive from you. It signals that you are taking proactive steps to secure your communications.
  3. Visibility and Reporting: DMARC provides reports that show how your email domain is being used across the internet, including whether unauthorized parties are attempting to send emails from your domain. This visibility is crucial for identifying and addressing potential security issues.
  4. Compliance with Industry Standards: Many industries now expect companies to have DMARC in place as part of their cybersecurity practices. Implementing and properly configuring DMARC can help your organization meet these expectations and avoid potential compliance issues.

Risks of Incorrect DMARC Configuration

  1. Legitimate Emails Being Rejected: If DMARC is not correctly configured, legitimate emails sent from your domain might fail the authentication checks (SPF and DKIM) and be rejected by receiving mail servers. This can happen if your DNS settings are not properly aligned with the third-party services or email servers you use to send emails.
  2. Email Deliverability Issues: A misconfigured DMARC policy that is too strict can cause emails to be marked as spam or bounced entirely. For example, if you set your DMARC policy to "reject" but haven’t correctly set up SPF and DKIM, receiving servers might block legitimate emails from reaching their intended recipients.
  3. Loss of Business Communication: Email is a primary communication tool for most businesses. Misconfigurations that result in email delivery failures can lead to missed opportunities, customer frustration, and disrupted internal and external communications.
  4. Lack of Visibility into Email Activity: Without proper DMARC configuration, you might not receive the detailed reports that DMARC provides, making it difficult to monitor email activity and detect unauthorized use of your domain.

What Should You Do Now?

Need Help Setting Up Or Configure Your DMARC/DKIM?

Just Email Us:

Regularly checking a DMARC record is a proactive step in maintaining strong email security, ensuring compliance with best practices, adapting to new threats, and protecting the business's reputation.

So, why not take a couple of minutes to check your DMARC status today? Click on the Free DMARC Record Check button below and give our DMARC Checker a try.

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