1. You can reach us when you need us.
  • You can reach us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • We are easy to contact.
  • You are given all staff’s mobile phone numbers and email addresses.
  • We respond the quickest to phone calls.
  • Critical requests are responded to within one hour.
  • We will fix your problem, or die trying.
2. Tenacity to fix your issue. 
  • For critical outages we work until your issue gets resolved. We despise downtime and will work tirelessly to get your system up and running.

3. Flexibility 
  • We work around your schedule. We can work after hours, weekends and holidays to minimize disruption and downtime to your company.

4. Longevity
  • We’ve been in business for over 28 years. In the fast changing world of Information Technology, we embrace change and keep your company up to date with the latest Information Technology developments.

5. Experience
  • Collectively we have over 100 years of experience in the Information Technology field. Our experience allows us to solve your issue quickly and efficiently.

6. Troubleshooting
  • We’ve developed a specific troubleshooting methodology to quickly solve your Information Technology problems. We are able to solve problems that other Information Technology Consulting Firms cannot resolve. Our internal knowledgebase documents problems and resolutions.  This avoids duplication of effort and efficiently distributes solutions to all staff. 

7. Knowledge Transfer
  • During any Information Technology Infrastructure project, we work with your staff to transfer as much knowledge about the project as possible. We want you to feel like it’s your network and not ours. Our goal is to make you as self-sufficient as possible. Of course, we’re always available to answer any questions you may have after the project is completed.

8. Leverage our Expertise
  • We hold monthly internal training seminars to ensure that our staff remains sharp, so your company can leverage the latest technology.

9. Training
  • We’ve taught Information Technology Audit and Security classes to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), Deloitte University and State Street Bank to name a few. We can provide customized training for your Information Technology Staff and end users. We’ve recently presented Information Technology Security Awareness training to clients to raise their awareness of Information Technology Security Risks and Pitfalls.

10. Bilingual Capabilities
  • We have staff that are fluent in Spanish and Mandarin to address your company's language requirements.